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  • forbes1

Dear Robin,

Thank you for good words. I found your advices very useful.
Now, a few words about trip.

1. Why Bhutan?

We never heard about Bhutan, till summer 2006 as we met one man, who sad: "If you like unusual journey you should go to Bhutan, because it is the country, where only the king has tv-set." I remembered it and I started to serf in internet to find something about Bhutan. In this way I found the trip to Bhutan organized by Rainbow Photo Tours. Me and my husband Pawel studied carefully the program of the tour and we decided to join it.

2. The trip was excellent prepared and organized. It was fine, that we drove in cars and we could stop whenever we wanted.It gave us many occasions to see and photograph daily life of Bhutanese, wild animals and great landskapes. During the way we could talk to our drivers and guides and learned more about country and people. But the most important thing for us was that we had the possibilities to take a part in some activities of Bhutanese like an archery match or dances. We visited lamas, farmers and we had for a moment this filling that we are very close to this people, that we touched the real life of Bhutan.

3. Why we recommend Bhutan?
Because it is only one country in the world in which the king wanted to make the people happy. It is only one country which try to make a progress keeping its own tradition and culture.

PS. I found that tv-set have many people in Bhutan

Robin, feel free to change my text and correct it or chose only part of it.

Best wishes from me and Pawel


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